5 Jan 2013

First Week of 2013...and Devil Survivor Overclocked.Prolouge Walkthrough.(11th blog post)

Hai~ Konichiwa~

Here I am,I survived the first week of school .Surprisingly,I shouldn't have.I hated the teachers teaching me this year.My classroom is on the forth story(What difference does that make from last year).My crush seems to be avoiding me and the textbooks this year are thick and heavy.=.= N they added brain gym to the daily scedule.Wow...Half and hour to the four activities .How in the world can anyone do that?Four activities is okay to me.FOUR ACTIVITES WITH 3 PARTS TO IT IS NOT OKAY?!WHO IN THE RIGHT MIND CAN DO ALL THAT IN 1/2 An hour.YA TELL ME!(; ̄ェ ̄).School starts tomorrow.(Its monday...)I have not even completed Devil Survivror Day 2 ;_;

Otome games Discover:(Link is below/Downloadable links and tumblers.Except for my sweet bodyguard)
My sweet body guard for gree(iPhone/android)
Shinsen-Renski(Iphone)(NOT RELEASED YET)
~PersonA~Phantom of the opera.(R18)(IN PROGRESS)
Planets 2 (In Progress/Hitaus)

Game Released Soon or already released(In Jap)Links below!
Black Wolves Saga(PSP)
Glass Heart Princess(PSP)(opinion:The op looks like Uta no prince sama)

Rumors:(can't remembered where I found it...)
Starry Sky(in english)(PSP)

Devil Survivor Overclocked Day 0(Prolouge)Walkthrough/Review

I bring you a review,Devil Survivor Overclocked Day 0(prologue) ,Since this is my first review .I am freaking excited.(beware,it is long...and pretty detailed..there are some pictures (but those are fused monsters and are from day 2)

2 Choices : Easy and Normal(At the start)
Easy is recommended for beginner players and Normal is for more advanced players.
Three  playable character,2 teammates at the start of the game
After selecting your mode,the game starts with a opening.Of various Characters
Here is the characters in order that makes their appearances
Yuzu(Your teamate/Playable character/sub character)
Atsuro(Your teamate/Playable character/sub character)
Naoya(Your cousin)

Day 0(Prolouge),

You will be playing as a male character,Which you have a choice to change the name to.First name,Last name and nickname.Most of the characters,especially ur teammates ,would call u by ur nick name,Like e.g Daisuke(first name) Kantana(last name),Daichii(nickname).Most of the character would call you Daichii.

Moving on,You as the main character will be meeting up with Yuzu and Atsuro, Atsuro,A computer student under your cousin Naoya.Naoya is famous in the computer world. Yuzu(nick name Yoohoo) is practically a side character(to me...)You and your teammates are supposed to meet up with Naoya.Yuzu would later pass to you COMPs.Naoya would pass them to Yuzu and she would pass it to both you and Atsuro and herself.He will say that "you all need this.Dont let go of them."These comps look exactly like our NDS3.Atsuro would have a COMP of his own.Naoya would have hacked into the COMPs that he have given to the three of you.Atsuro  then try to open the folders in the menu but her realizes it was protected.After Atsuro hacks open the COMPs.You would be able to receive mails.You have to read till the end to close the mail up.You would receive mail from The Observer.Teling you todays news.Off all the accidents.(caused by monsters).Afterwards,you and yuzu would be chased away by Atsuro.

He needs some time to open the folders.By then you would see and over all map view off the country itself.and the map.Pick a place that has a human icon and a time icon.Time icons would take up 1/2 and hour on your comps clock(which should say is 16:00).If you pick the road If you go to Shinjuku first..You will meet up with a group called the shomokai.If you go to Omotesando.You would have a conversation with Yuzu.She would ask you what time it is and you would choose either one of the options.(I chose it is 16:30)She would mention about the weird carnivores monter that would kill someone and you would have another choice to pick(I pick lets go then)You would go there and meet Naoya.Naoya would mention about the murdered person was his neighbor.Afterwards,you would meet up with Atsuro and after communicating.You would have your menu.Move around anyhow and thats when your screen will suddenly black out.REMEMBER DONT RESTART YOUR GAME.Thats when you will receive some weird computer data. and unlock the demon summoning program.you would have your first battle and thats .The monsters come out of the comp and you have to battle them.If you win ,  they would obey you.(like a master).After the battles,there will be more conversation and fighting.At the 19:00 black out.You would go to the cemetery and meet a shrine maiden,from the Shomokai.She will defeat a weird monster.(You have to defeat that monster at Day 1(He is level 20,220 Hp and his special move is ice).You will have to defeat the other monsters.Remember,You cannot be defeated.Your monsters can but your can't die.Your teammates can be dead but you can't.If you are...You will fail the mission.Thats when Day 1 would come to...next review and walkthrough/

I shall not continue to spoil

Here are some Battle tips
1)Before fighting monsters,always save your game at the home screen.(When at the map press X on you NDS)If you ever died in the battle or failed your mission,your game would go back to your previous safe data.

2)Go and communicate with people or look around(Passer bys can give you money.the money can be used for auctioning monsters,which will be very useful for fushioning and using that monster)

3)Most battles would be easy for your characters , Only uptil Day 1.Where you meet that Ice monsters.Remeber to level up by battling.Free battles does not consume time at all.Battle the monsters with you and your monster to level up and strengthen your monsters.

4)Strategize.Dont blindly go out to the battle field and just die.(How I won the Ice Monster was through letting my strongest character attack him,and the other two to defeat the rest of those not so strong monsters),Start off with where you want to position your characters.

5)Spot their weakness,(the elements)and attack it.

6)Monsters are like us.They can move to your spots and attack you.

7)Defeat the middle monster(you may get a low exp if like that),they allow you to finish your missions faster.
Most irritating parts of the monster,Those that have knight souls.which means,they will protect the middle monster at almost all your super strong attacks.See their weakness and attack those monster first before defeating the middle monsters.

Here are the headstarts

Atsuro monster-A cat...Power:Agi-Fire
Yuzu monster-Pixie..Power:Dia-Heal
Hero(You) Monster-A Kobold(some sort of wolf that can stand up)Power:Attack

Gomen...As you can see that Ice Monster that I fusion up too..is only available after the fusion button on your 3DS....( I am currently At Day 2 XD)
As You can see,The monsters that I have are fused up monsters.(Originally,Yuzu monster is A Pixie.The pixie has Dia(Heal) and Zio(Electricity).
You can see 6 elements over there(Attack , Fire , Ice , Electricity , Wind and ...(Idk) XD )Those 6 elements that you see overthere would state four things only.St(Strength) Nu(The attack basked on this element won't work) Wk(Weakness) and if it is empty..That means it won't make a difference whether you use that element to hit not.

You can move to the monster based on the grid squares...(which is blue color)Move right in front,beside , left or right .or even behind the monster to attack it.and thats when you will enter the next mode. Battle Scene.

The human would be given choices to attack the monsters.(As you can see.Yuzu has Attack,Dia and Guard.She will use Attack to hit the monsters.Which she can pick either one of it.)You only have a limited amount of MP-Magic Point(I came that up on the spot)so basically make full use of them.

Extra turns are more or less given when you hit the weakness of the monsters or at the start of the battle scenes.This would enable you to get an extra chance after hitting the monsters.That is if your monster/character does not die.
This is the summary of your battle in the end.

Review:So far..I have enjoyed the game....I personally do not like Yuzu,she seems to be like Neko(from project K),a useless character,(in my opinion).She does not do much except heal your character(which i know is important.)but thats all she does....Anyway review is over.!See you at the next review!

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