10 Dec 2014

Nameless ~ The one thing you must recall (OverallReview of 5 characters ( Major spoilers) + First Impression + CGS of the 5 characters)

Hello! It's been a while since I bring a review~ Or it's been a long time actually. Today, I bring the review of all the five characters stories in Nameless and the mysterious character.

Game Price :$33 (usual price) -> $30 (Price for the time being= it being now)//on steam it depends on the steam sale but apparently you can grab both nameless and dandelion as a bundle on cheritz page

Claim a gift if you buy the game before 6th december (Nameless promotional Item)

Game Rating: 4.5/5 (Great art , cgs and voice actors that suit the charcters, however there're some spelling mistakes and the bad ends are horrible, the good ends does not do any justice to it)

Game released on : 11/11/13 ( Chertiz second game)

Obtainable Guys (In order: From Left to right)) : 5 Guys in total
Yeon - Ho ( Yellow chick) ,Yuri (Black Panter), Red (Final Attack boy) , Tei  (Prince Sunshine) , Lance ( Ice prince )

Game type : Visual Novel ( You pick choices instead of raising stats)


Overall view: (Spoilers + Personal Ratings + Thoughts + First Impressions)

Common Route Guys


First Impression: The cold ice man, probably cold hearted and is the "TsunTsun"of the group, needs the heroine to warm him up and is may be someone that I might not like due to the fact that he has long hair. Oh well.

Review: He's called the ice prince for one reason, his cold and he doesn't warm up to people at first. I think he does that as he is afraid that people would abandon him, in his route, he mentioned that he doesn't have a distinctive character, like red, which makes him "Jealous", in his view Red is someone that can be easily like as he has a character but Lance doesn't have a character and thus he always quarrel with Red. Since, he's also the most popular doll, (The one to be launched the most and the first doll the heroine had) in the heroine's house, he feels scared that the heroine would dump him. Being mass launched must have taken the impact on him that he can be dumped and replaced any moment.

Since he was widely mass published and he doesn't have a distinctive personality, he hates himself and wishes that he has a personality from his makers, however his maker does not give him one and say that whoever his owner is , she would give him a personality. I think that really stung him as it makes him feel useless. However the heroine loves him and she won't abandon him no matter what. I think she really accepted him for who he is and I think that was the point where his heart starts to warm up to her. Lance is also the character that would protect you the most time from Yuri (e.g, Throwing his slippers at Yuri's head whenever he approached.) Even though his cold, in every route you're in, I think he honestly cares for the heroine and would try to protect her. ( well, not like Tei but yea...) His route was really fun though, but the ending is just horrible to me. It's considered a happy end when you make the heroine disappear?  That's not a happy ending.

Character Message ( My view of it) : No one want's to be abandon even though there are so many replicas of them. Mainly, if you're in a popular group, everyone would categorize you as the person from that group and might ignore you and when the group breaks up, some might find true friends while some might be ignored.

To me: Lance probably has one of the sweetest endings, him not being psychotic and he doesn't exactly harm her in anyway. Besides, his and Red's fighting scenes are entertaining.

Rating: B-

Yeon- ho :

First Impression: Someone's who really adorable and have a brother/ sister complex. Probably might be leaning to the annoying side but still has the adorable aura around him. Probably like a chick who will follow the heroine around.

Review: Now, everyone probably thinks his the baby chick, the cutesy one, but it seems chertiz has the skill of turing the most beautiful things into the saddest things in a matter of minutes, I think that the baby chick is Yandare. They always say that the one who smiles most should be the one you look out the most, well that applies to Yeon - ho and Tei. Yeon - ho would actually enter your room in the middle of the night and say things like "I like you." and on the merry - go round, he mentioned things like "I have to love what my owner does." At that point of time, my heart was seriously confused.

Since, I played Tei's route before this, I've got a bad feeling that the baby chick is as destroyed as Tei. But I honestly thing that Yeon - ho wanted someone to really care for him and someone to treat him with care, maybe that's why he want's the owner's attention, saying that he must love the things the owners does, I think he's also afraid that he gets hurt just because he doesn't listen to his owner, like how his previous owner treated him (horribly , /coughs/), leaving him with multiple scars on his arms and shoulder. His owner also ship him off horribly, leaving him in a dirty cloth and he's dusty when the heroine first opened the box and took him out.

This might've led him to  force himself to do the things that he might not like and in my view, he personally pushes himself just to be liked. He definitely is obsessive with the owner and doesn't seem to like other guys to separate the both of them. Instead of Tei's route being obsessive to protect her from harm , Yeon - ho 's route seem more to the fact that he want's to be with her only and doesn't want people to seperate them. At times, he tells the guys( in the house), that they're just jealous that the owner love him more than them, which can cause the tension in the house to go horribly bad. Yeon - ho wants the heroine to care about him and not abandon him if he's "naughty". I think that most of his actions is that he does not want to be abandoned, he mentions that dolls will be forgotten and will be abandon.

When the heroine treats him coldly, just because she thought he was clinging to her too much, she "abandons" him and goes to the café with her friends. At that point Yeon - ho felt abandoned and I think that's what honestly led him to say that when he's in her arms. (Well, he fell sick not long after the heroine left him alone with cleaning duties)

To me, Yeon - Ho keeps trying to perfect himself as he is afraid that the heroine would leave him, I think what really broke my heart and touched me about Yeon - ho's route is that the heroine tells him that he is okay as what he is and she doesn't need more from him as he is enough for her, what she really wants from him is his laughter and sadness ( not sadistically). I think that really touched me alot, and the fact that Yeon - ho would cut out his heart for her just to be her "family", tells me that he seriously doesn't want to be forgotten. His route has mentions about your first doll as well.

Character Message (My view) : No dolls or objects that you owe, want's to be forgotten. Like humans, none of us want's to be forgotten so we may try to perfect ourselves to get the ones we love or know to notice us, however sometimes if we overdo it, we might push the people we love away which might make us feel miserable as we feel that no one cares about us or "abandon" us.

To Me: This little chick's route is just as psychotic as Tei's route when it comes to obsessives.

Rating : B+


First impression: The flirt of the group, like his black hair though, but he looks to pale, like a vampire. He is not surprisingly as flirty as Saeki ( My forged wedding), saying stuff like My honey and darling whenever Heroine appear, well lets see what he has to say for his route.

Review: Well, Yuri is a flirt to begin with, but he does has an extremely caring side to the Heroine and can be extremely mature at times when it's required for him to be. Yuri seems to have a problem with identifying himself on how to love someone, he doesn't really know what love is and needs to be taught with what sincerity is. But that is something that is so refreshing about him, he is also designed and created to treat every woman in the world equally. "The perfect man" is his tittle or probably concept that was instilled into him when they designed him, since he is supposed to be perfect, his like every little's girl dream. A prince that would love her. He tries to give back the love that people send to him but he does not give his heart into the things.

Since his main concept was to please every woman he meets, after he realized he fell in love with the heroine, he starts to ignore her. In my view, (it was mentioned that he does not want to go against his main concept), he wants to remain the way he was built, pleasing woman. Thus it might've led him to be so confused with his feelings after he realized them, he might have think that it wasn't possible to give his heart to one person. However, after he realized that the heroine was the one for him, it might have tune to him that it was possible for him to fall in love. But isn't a purpose of the doll to serve out its purpose and concept, maybe that's what made him so dead end of not changing and probably avoiding her as well. Since he fell in love with her, he doesn't know what it means to be in an honest and pure relationship.

He started to fall in love with the heroine (in my reasoning), after she explained him about love and sincerity. That was probably the spark of it, and that was probably why he looks out for her, since she's different from everyone. Since she's someone who wouldn't fall in love with just his sweet buttery words. She was someone who would accept all his jokes and maybe that's what he found out about her that was so attractive.Maybe she's someone who will go deep into his heart and break that barrier of his. Maybe that's what made him fell for her.

The heroine in this route really tried to change herself for Yuri, however Yuri, who notices it, but doesn't compliment her at all, At that moment he was probably trying to understand his feelings and I think at that point of time, he is an extremely confused child with his feeling.

Character message (in my view) : Someone can change alot when they're in love, they might even change their own behaviour or goals that were implanted or that they were focusing on in the first place.

To Me: Yuri has the sweetest happy ending. He proposed to her, isn't that happy?

Route Rating: A-

Single Route Guys
(When I mean by single, I mean that they do not have a common route like the guys mentioned above, you get right straight into the story, It's recommended to play Yuri's route first before Tei's)


First Impression: Well, he has eyes like Makoto (From Free!), probably the mother of the group since he can cook and since he's the most popular, maybe a jealousy route with the girls? Well, I love his gentle aura.

Review: Okay, this route to start off is, is ridiculously long with so many bad endings. There's like 3 bad endings and all of them led him to lose to his own craziness. Tei is deemed as the mother of the house and can take care of everyone. However, he is the most destroyed among the dolls. I think we all know by now that every doll has its own problems and how they led to their current behaviors , like Lance being cold for a reason and Yuri being flirty as well. However when I mean by Tei is destroyed mentally, I mean literally. He will do anything to protect the heroine, he is obsessed to protect her from danger and even himself, since he doesn't want to stain her pureness.

In one part of the story, it was mentioned that he has his own fan clubs and many people started to give him gifts to ask him out or get him to notice them (senpai~ notice me..lol..old pun), he doesn't accept any of them which causes rumors to break out. I think that one of the reasons he doesn't accept them is because he doesn't want a girl to like him for his looks, since he's limited edition and  rare, I think that he wanted someone to accept him for who he really is. That's why he turned down so many girl's confession within a short period of time, maybe its because they do not "know" him well enough and only the heroine does.

He also uses his charms to make things go his way or for most reason, to protect the heroine from getting harmed from anyone. He cherishes her so much, like as if she was the doll and he's the owner. Tei's problem was due to his previous owner, he was sold in an auction and the heroine almost missed the bid but she made it anyways. He is a limited edition doll that the heroine wanted to get but since it's limited edition, she could not get it as it was all sold out. His previous owner mentioned that he has to be "clean", meaning (in my view), he can't be "destroyed" in any way, like he can't lose his parts.

But one day (in my interpretation), his previous owner brought someone home ( lets presume its her friend, since it was not mentioned who it was). His owner friend's actually took him out of the box that his owner kept him in.( To protect him from being "dirty".) His owner friend accidentally dropped him and his legs got destroyed, his owner screamed and actually fainted. (gosh). From that day, his owner looks at him angrily and her eyes were full of hate, which led to his mentality of being brain washed by her that no body will like him unless he's "clean".

However, he started to fall in love with the heroine as she would seems to accepts him for who he is and not how he looks on the outside , but at that point many people started to "harm" her and Tei, thought that what was best for her, dated her best friend, Soi, who had a crush on him. He pushed her away from him and tried to leave her alone, they began to talk lesser and they wouldn't even talk when they're at home.  It was literally, like a drama. Tei broke up his fan club for the heroine as he thought that his fan club was the one who harmed her, however Soi thought that he broke up the fan club because of their relationship. (Facepalm).

However, Soi being the great friend back up from the relationship and let the both of them be together. However, at some point of time, if you picked the wrong answer, it will lead to Tei's craziness over taking his sanity which will affect you. In the final bad ending, which is extremely close to the good ending, if you allowed him to destroy you and not say that he is not clean, Tei would make you into a doll, which means that you could not stop him from not being sain at all. However, if you picked the second choice, it means you accepted him for who he really is, which honestly touched me. I honestly loved Tei's route though the ending wasn't helping in any ways.

Character's message (My view): Tei's route mentioned lots about being emotionally and mentally destroyed in the past. I think that Tei's route connects to me the most as I've been hurt emotionally in the past, it hurt so badly that I started to skip school to avoid him, till this day I could feel my sanity slipping away whenever I see him surrounded with so many girls, it makes me go crazy. I guess that's why I could connect to Tei in so many levels, even though our problems are different and the causes are different, we still have the same emotions.

Tei's route also tells me that someone who could put up a bright smile, like Tei, could be someone who is hurt badly, and that someone might need your help to push them back right up to the sunshine. It also tells me that (you may've heard this many times but I'm going to say it anyways.) you should not judge a book by it's cover, since the most happiest person besides you, the one that gave you the most mental support, might also be the person that would love someone to help him.

To me: Tei is literally almost involved in every bad ending except Lance, he murdered Yeon-ho in Yeon-ho's bad ending and he was in a love triangle with Yuri in Yuri's bad ending, and to top it off all his bad endings have go to do with something about him becoming Yandare.

Rating: (A-)

(A/N: Sorry, if it's too long, its my thoughts about it...Yikes DX It's long.)


First Impression: Someone who will be tsundere or cool, certainly did not expected a hyper boy's voice to appear. Love his red hair though. Can't pin point what his trouble will be though as he looks the most normal in the group.

Review: Well, to start off. Red is probably the most straight forward thinking mind set in the group, he is in a sense similar to Yuri with the gift part, where he will accept gifts without understanding the meaning behind him. Besides, Red has a child concept of being a super hero, which makes him the most hyper and naive in the whole group (apart from Yeon - ho, but he was a little Yandare, so it's a different story.) Since he has a super hero concept, he naturally wanted to save the heroine when she was injured, or at least protect her.

 However as the heroine was kidnapped during the time that Red wasn't there, he might have felt a sense of responsibility to not save her as she is the "heroine" and the heroine would usually be saved by the "hero" which is Red in this case. However, after the incident, Red lost the will and he started to feel that maybe he's no longer the "Hero", he even started to think that his "enemy", Lance, is the hero, since Lance acts fast and actually thinks pretty quickly, it led him down alot.

However, the heroine makes him happier by telling him that he's a hero, an innocent hero at heart - a hero who is honest to his teammates, like the Red (hero) on tv, she says that he can slowly grow to become a Hero, which causes his stomach to have butterflies.

The sweetest actions that Red does later is that he stays beside the heroine most of the time, to protect the heroine from danger. He says that he realizes his mistakes and that he should've stayed besides the heroine to protect her. And what was his first action to protect the heroine - he pulled her arm and ran away from Lance (How red - like).

Red has a way of expressing the way he feels and to put it in one word, I would use the word "cute". The way that Red gets jealous when he thought that you like Tei or the way that he panics when he thought you went missing and came finding you, to me all this actions were adorable.

To Red, he actually knows that he's making Tei and Yeon- ho play in his little game, Red is afraid that he would lose his secret "super power" and that would make him worthless, as he is the only doll that is manufactured, he is scared that he does not have anything to make identify himself as a "unique" doll, someone different to everyone.

But since your first doll is a horrible person, he tore your diary up and your diary is like the holder of your memories which leads you to forget everything, Red stayed beside you all this time in hope that you could remember him slightly, which you did, with everyday reminder. It touches me that Red does so much just for you and there was a particular thing he said and it was that even though you may forget everything as the day passes, Red says that he will by your side and will help you remember it.

You gained your memory slowly and it was great.

Character Message: Even if you think you are worthless, there will always be someone who will notice the great things about your. Regardless whether is it your parents or your life time partner.

To me: Honestly, I really loved Red's route, with the superhero concept and the way that he treats you so sweetly. Its great honestly.

Rating: A+

Ending/ Conclusion (secret 1:There's two):

This is how your first toy(in human form at least) look like:

Can someone please tell me that his concept wasn't from Diabolik Lovers: Kanato's teddy cause he's a freaking teddy bear.

Well, after achieving a happy ending, depending on the guy you played, it will be different(what am I taking about, of course it will be different, silly me), but the only thing that is similar for all the guys is that after you did a certain activity related the the merry go round, you will disappear, regardless which guy it is.

And if you played the secret ending, which can be achieved after you played all the guys route and achieved happy ending, you can play this little guys route. He doesn't have a name as you will create a name for him, so you can name him whatever you want.

Before I played his route and knew the exact reason why he does that, I really despised, do you know how much trouble he caused in Red's route?! He literally tore my freaking diary ....and it became so bare. To add fear into the game, I decided to be the smartass and place the teddy bear next to my computer, and after I knew how evil this little guy is (in the start of his route, I mean...his voice is freaking creepy...), I literally sat my own teddy bear on my lap, he is on my lap now...will I die? Probably not...

This little guy actually has a wish that you can see him again , his wish is not to be taken out of the place where toys are abandon, he actually wants to see you, he does not exactly like to grant you happiness. But it was so sweet in the ending, okay not exactly romantic sweet but I went teary eyed when the doll say do not leave me.....

So he actually traps you in his own world, and all the guys came from their respective worlds, where they fall in love with you. Like a parallel universe to be exact.

To cut it short, they all saved you and none of them became dolls, you even found your first doll...So cheritz, congrats for at least not making the heroine lose her memory...and that means there's a chance she can fall in love with one of them.

3 cheers~~~~

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